Category Archives: delayed ejaculation treatment

Delayed Ejaculation Cured

Ways To End Delayed Ejaculation – Fast Open and honest communication is essential to end delayed ejaculation Men, as we know, are not always open to frank communication about emotions and feelings. Women, as we also know, tend to love this … Continue reading

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Considering Delayed Ejaculation

Delayed ejaculation Delayed ejaculation is the term used when a man is unable to achieve ejaculation. Many men have this problem at least once in their lives, but are not affected long-term by it. Unfortunately, however, some men have chronic … Continue reading

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Cognitive Behavioural Treatment For DE

Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment Two factors that seem to maintain delayed ejaculation are high-frequency idiosyncratic masturbatory behavior and the discrepancy between a man’s inner world of fantasy and the actual forms of his sexual expression with his partner. To overcome this, a … Continue reading

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